VRCalc++ is a Structured General Purpose High-Level Object Oriented Scripting Language written using Delphi Object Pascal by Vincent Radio {Adrix.NT}
VRCalc++ is an Embeddable Extensible Object Oriented Scripting Language
written in Delphi Object Pascal
Born as a programmable Calculator, VRCalc++ OOSL features the same operators as C++, Java and C# and some extra objects related operators implemented using Delphi object interfaces as well as a complete set of procedural flow control structures including ...
selection statements
loops control statements
labelled statements
exceptions control statements
thread synchronization statements
scripted class modules
functions and properties
lambda functions
and so on ...
VRCalc++ includes support for ...
access the Delphi RTL package data, functions and procedures
Dynamic Arrays
Multi Dimensional Dynamic Arrays
Paged Arrays
Lists & Iterators
run-time exceptions handling
multi threaded functions and objects
DLL access (for Windows and other supported OS)
access to the VRCalc++ Standard System Scripted RunTime Library (provided by Vincent Radio)
and more ...
to write the VRCalc++ Interpreter, i inspired myself to Framework III by Bob Carr (Forefront inc. – distributed by Ashton-Tate in 1983)
VRCalc++ is embeddable in any application using Delphi packages
because its scripting run-time code and other environment support
exported functions are also contained in Delphi packages
VRCalc++ is extensible
using object oriented scripted class modules
or using external binary packages
implementing and exporting the required functions and interfaces
VRCalc++ Scripted Class Modules usually define and export functions as well as properties
Related Applications ...
VRCalc++ Console is a Windows Delphi VCL Application
using the VRCalc++ Scripting Engine Package that Runs VRCalc++ Main Scripts.
it can also be used as a simple, immediate and fast calculator
by executing simple scripts or scratch code
VRCalcSX is a Console Program that only executes VRCalc++ scripts
VRCalc++ FMX Script Executor is a Delphi FMX Multi-Platform Application that only executes VRCalc++ scripts
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